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eGabinet Introduces a Voice Bot. Mam Biznes on new tools of startup

eGabinet Introduces a Voice Bot. Mam Biznes on new tools of startup
24/7 telephone registration and patient inquiry handling in medical facilities. These functionalities are made possible by the advanced voice bot developed by the startup eGabinet.

The necessity of the functionality offered by the startup's new product is understood by anyone who has gone through the challenging and patience-testing process of registering with a doctor. Problems often arise even at the stage of getting through to the medical facility. Another issue is the long wait times for medical appointments. The main reason for this situation is the worsening shortage of medical staff in such facilities.

According to the OECD report "Health at a Glance 2023," Poland has 3.4 practicing doctors per thousand inhabitants. This is below the OECD average of 3.7. The situation could be improved by freeing medical staff from some administrative tasks.

Voice Bot as a Cure for the Medical Sector's Ailments

And this is precisely the functionality offered by the new product from the eGabinet startup. It is an advanced voice bot designed to streamline patient communication management. The tool handles a range of interactions, such as confirming appointments, sending reminders, and managing inquiries. Its implementation allows for the automation of such processes. As a result, facility staff can focus on the substantive aspects of their work.

"Our solution will significantly streamline the entire process of patient communication with doctors, taking on necessary yet time-consuming tasks, such as registration, appointment confirmation or cancellation, and answering frequently asked questions. Although similar solutions already exist on the market, such as, we have approached the subject holistically based on our extensive experience working with medical facilities. Our bot is fully integrated with the facility management platform, creating a self-sufficient ecosystem that not only facilitates communication but also optimizes management and oversight of the entire patient service process," comments Piotr Strychalski, CEO of eGabinet.

The idea behind the creation of eGabinet was to provide a modern alternative to telephone registration. The project's development has led to it now offering not only such tools but also comprehensive solutions supporting the management of medical facilities and patient documentation.

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