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Localization Is Your Secret Weapon to Expand - Jan Bilek from Localazy for The Recursive

Localization Is Your Secret Weapon to Expand - Jan Bilek from Localazy for The Recursive

The right approach to localization is essential for successfully scaling a business and effectively entering foreign markets. It’s not just about translating content but adapting it to fit the cultural needs of each market. Jan Bilek who is a Product Manager at Localazy knows it very well. He shares his experiences with localization and the proper approach to it in his latest article for The Recursive.

Localization is the key

In the latest article for The Recursive Jan Bilek - Product Manager at Localzy - has the opportunity to share his rich experience with localization. You can read that:

Localization is especially crucial in Europe, where the market consists of many smaller countries, each with a preference for its own language. In Europe, a company starting in one country can quickly reach the limit of its total addressable market (TAM). For example, starting a business in Czechia is comparable to limiting your business to a state like Connecticut in the US in terms of population and GDP.Therefore, localization is essential for success in Europe.
It’s not just about translating content but adapting it to meet the cultural needs of each market. This improves user experience, which significantly impacts product success and company revenue, even if it’s hard to measure directly. Additionally, competing in various languages can be a cost-effective strategy. In times of insane CAC inflation, it allows for diversification through SEO, ads, social media, and other channels where competition may be less present. Due to their unique environment, European companies often understand this better than those in larger markets. In fact, those investing in localization are 1.5x more likely to see revenue growth, which highlights the financial benefits of reaching a wider audience.

Read more about how to successfully develop your company through localization on The Recursive!