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More than 30 media outlets about MMI's almost 8 mln EUR investment round

More than 30 media outlets about MMI's almost 8 mln EUR investment round
Polish-based MMI secures €7.7 million to develop electric and hydrogen buses. Thanks to our efforts press releases about that exciting news was published by more than 30 Polish and international media.

Polish bus manufacturer MMI, a company focused on the distribution and production of high-quality tourist and urban buses using, has secured a significant investment of €7.7 million from Vinci S.A. This capital injection will propel MMI’s ambitious plans to develop a new generation of zero-emission buses, including electric and hydrogen-powered models, positioning the company as a key player in the European market.

MMI, a family-owned company with a growing reputation, has been primarily known for its diesel and compressed natural gas-powered vehicles. However, with the increasing demand for sustainable transport solutions, MMI is transitioning towards producing zero-emission buses. The newly secured funding will enable the company to develop three variants of electric buses: low-entry, low-floor, and standard-floor. These vehicles will be equipped with cutting-edge drive technology, innovative chassis, and lightweight body designs aimed at maximizing efficiency and range.

Read more about it on EU Startups