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eGabinet is on the rise! Recent achivements and plans presented by MamBiznes

eGabinet is on the rise! Recent achivements and plans presented by MamBiznes

Thanks to the funding raised at the beginning of the year, eGabinet has announced the development of a new product. It will be an AI-powered chatbot that will serve as a consultant for doctors. This is not the only recent achievement and not the only plan of the company.

Back in January, we announced that startup eGabinet had raised PLN 2.4 million from business angels in another round of funding. The funds are being used to introduce new functionalities and tools. Currently, work is already underway on an AI-supported chatbot that will act as a consultant for doctors. Its release is expected later this year.

“We are aware of the challenges facing the medical sector. We observe the market and, above all, we talk to our customers, analyzing their needs in depth. Our goal is to provide comprehensive solutions and services that effectively address all the difficulties faced by medical facilities, offering them in a single, easy-to-use platform.” - explains Piotr Strychalski, CEO of eGabinet.

In addition, Karol Sadaj, who is responsible for the successes of companies such as Uber, Revolut and Aion Bank, and Dawid Sukacz, an experienced investor, joined the company's board this year. 2024 is undoubtedly favorable for the eGabinet startup, as the number of doctors using their software has increased by 50% since the beginning of the year. The volume of serviced visits alone has recorded an increase of 100%.

Strong growth of startup eGabinet

eGabinet offers comprehensive solutions designed to manage medical facilities and patient records. The startup is currently focusing on expanding its offer. It recently entered into a partnership with Infomex. Through it, it has made it possible to lease medical-certified computer equipment to its customers.

The novelty will be a chatbot, whose operation is based on artificial intelligence. It will act as a consultant for doctors, especially in medical history and proper diagnosis of patients. The work on the new tool is made possible thanks to funding raised earlier this year from business angels in the amount of PLN 2.4 million. The launch is announced for later this year.

“The creation of a tool in the form of a personal co-pilot to support doctors in their daily work is another important step in the development and improvement of the overall quality of medical care. As an eGabinet, this is exactly the direction we want to grow in, which is why we are currently focusing on intensively scaling operations and implementing new features into the platform. At the same time, we are continuing to fundraise the next round of funding, which will allow us to scale even more widely and dynamically,” points out Piotr Strychalski.

The new chatbot is not all. Startup eGabinet has seen a 50% increase in the number of doctors using their software since the beginning of the year. eGabinet was created as an alternative to traditional telephone medical reception, and now offers comprehensive solutions for managing medical facilities and patient records, facilitating the work of doctors and medical staff.

Check out the whole article on MamBiznes!