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Rzeczpospolita on new eGabinet's voice bot

Rzeczpospolita on new eGabinet's voice bot
Polish startup eGabinet decided to tackle further problems of the healthcare system by introducing an advanced voicebot ,which eases the workload of medical reception staff and saves significant time. The bot is available to patients 24/7 and can, either via text or voice, remind or reschedule appointments, provide information on doctor availability and give details on services. Moreover, it is integrated with the facility management platform, creating a self-sufficient system.

Taking into account that, according to OECD data, over 80% of patients consider poor communication to be the worst part of their experience with the healthcare sector, the product announced by a Polish start-up could significantly improve the quality of these interactions. It involves a so-called voicebot, which will provide patients with unlimited contact with medical facilities. The system, developed by the Polish company eGabinet, aims to eliminate existing barriers – automating routine tasks such as confirming or rescheduling appointments will save time for both patients and staff. Now, artificial intelligence can successfully handle these types of issues.

"Our solution will provide patients with quick access to answers to frequently asked questions, such as issues related to delays, doctor availability, or service details and potential costs," says Piotr Strychalski, CEO of eGabinet.

He explains that thanks to the voicebot, everything happens without the need to involve medical staff.

"Moreover, with automatic reminders and appointment confirmations, we significantly reduce the risk of no-shows, which translates into time and cost savings for medical facilities," he emphasizes.

Read more about new solution on Rzeczpospolita!