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Security, innovation and the development of the cryptocurrency ecosystem. Mam Biznes on Bitget values

Security, innovation and the development of the cryptocurrency ecosystem. Mam Biznes on Bitget values
One of the leading cryptocurrency exchanges is Bitget, which has been operating since 2018 and is present in over 100 countries. The company has ambitious plans for expansion, including in the Polish market.

The popularization of blockchain technology in recent years and the cryptocurrency boom have attracted new enthusiasts. Over the past few years, Bitget has developed into one of the leading cryptocurrency exchanges. The platform is available in over 100 countries and has 25 million users. Bitget is also known for its openness to innovation and has serious plans for further development, particularly within the Web3 community.

"We are committed to the development of the Web3 ecosystem by investing in the most interesting projects and significantly increasing the number of cryptocurrencies available on our platform. Currently, we offer over 800 coins and plan to systematically increase this number by seeking out new, exciting cryptocurrencies. Poland is a very interesting market with a strong Web3 builder community" - comments Gracy Chen, CEO of Bitget.

What is Bitget's origin?

The year 2022 was challenging for cryptocurrencies, especially due to the high-profile collapse of the FTX exchange. However, the following year brought significant recovery, and 2024 has become a period of growth and breakthroughs. In such times, more people interested in investing in this market are looking to use reliable tools.

In 2018, Bitget had an ambitious vision to democratize access to the cryptocurrency market. A few years earlier, the founding team, coming from traditional finance, recognized the benefits of blockchain technology. In addition to creating a cryptocurrency trading platform, they introduced innovative features such as "copy trading." All of this was built with the highest level of user security.

And there are indeed many users. After several years of operation, Bitget now serves over 25 million users in more than 100 countries worldwide. To confirm its credibility, the company published its first reserve report shortly after the FTX collapse.

"The security of our users' funds and the transparency of our actions will always be crucial for us. We publish a Proof of Reserves report every month, which is available for anyone to view. In June, our reserve ratio reached 163% of the assets held on the exchange, significantly higher than the industry standard of 100%. Additionally, we have created the Bitget Protection Fund, which aims to protect users in the event of theft or loss of assets, provided it did not result from their own actions or trading behaviors" - emphasizes Gracy Chen.

Innovation and Investment

Bitget actively supports the development of the cryptocurrency ecosystem by investing in promising projects and Web3 venture capital funds. In 2023, during Hong Kong Blockchain Week, the company announced the creation of the Bitget Web3 Fund with an initial capitalization of $100 million, aimed at supporting the next generation of blockchain projects.

As a global player, Bitget is also focusing on the Polish market. Recently, the Polish startup Cookie3 debuted on the platform. Cookie3 is developing a marketing and analytics platform for the Web3 ecosystem based on on-chain user activity.

"Through our actions, we want to support Web3 startups from Poland and the CEE region in accessing funding. We assist them by offering attractive listing conditions for their tokens on our exchange and support them through local marketing activities" - comments Maciej Jankowski, Marketing Manager at Bitget.

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