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SP Tech Solutions is getting on the German tracks. Mam Biznes about its development

SP Tech Solutions is getting on the German tracks. Mam Biznes about its development

SP Tech Solutions has been developing IT systems for several years that enhance the logistics processes of companies in the railway industry. Now, SP Tech Solutions intends to take the next step and debut in the German market.

In March, the Polish startup raised PLN 12 million in funding from the Vinci Tech fund. SP Tech Solutions now aims to enter the German market.

"The railway market has huge potential related to transporting goods in a more eco-friendly way compared to the currently dominant freight transport. To develop in this direction, it needs modern infrastructure and innovations that can streamline logistics processes, thus increasing capacity and efficiency," comments Piotr Sikorski, CEO of SP Tech Solutions.

Expansion on German Tracks

Since 2019, Michał Pawłowski and Piotr Sikorski have been introducing new innovations in the railway industry. Their flagship tool is Raily Taxi, a system for optimizing the transport of traction teams. This solution is already used by PKP Cargo and RAIL Polska, among others. Currently, the SP Tech Solutions team has completed testing and is preparing for the full launch of their next tool - Raily Marketplace.

"The railway market across Europe has been struggling with a human capital shortage and ineffective time management for employees. For example, the operational working time of train drivers in freight transport is only 35-50%, while the work of overloaded dispatchers increasingly resembles a call center. In response to these challenges, we developed RAILY Marketplace, which digitizes collaboration with various service providers, including traction services—simply put, it allows for renting inspectors or drivers," explains Michał Pawłowski, co-founder of SP Tech Solutions.

Alongside the launch of Raily Marketplace, the next milestone for SP Tech Solutions will be international expansion, with Germany being the main focus, as it is a key transport hub in Europe. It is worth noting that around 50% of German railway employees operate on an outsourcing basis.

"(…) At SP Tech Solutions, we focus on building tools that comprehensively address the needs of companies involved in railway freight transport, including those in foreign markets. Undoubtedly, Germany is one of the major centers of European transport, so it is a natural step for us to strongly scale our operations in this country," comments Piotr Sikorski.

Read more on Mam Biznes.