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"Sustainable development is not a problem, but an opportunity for business". Magdalena Stelmach about Redigo Carbon on Mam Biznes

"Sustainable development is not a problem, but an opportunity for business". Magdalena Stelmach about Redigo Carbon on Mam Biznes
After spending years in the UK, Magdalena Stelmach decided to return to Poland and develop her startup. This startup is Redigo Carbon, which will soon offer a comprehensive ESG ecosystem. It will support Polish companies in the complete decarbonization of their businesses. The co-founder gave an interview to Mam Biznes, in which she talks about her passion for sustainable development. She also explains how Redigo Carbon supports Polish companies in decarbonizing and adapting their operations to ESG standards. She reveals her upcoming plans for business development, including the ecological supplier marketplace and the ESG virtual assistant.

The full interview can be read on Mam Biznes.