SP Tech Solutions is a Polish startup developing the RAILY ecosystem, which aims to provide innovative tools for the freight rail transport industry.

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SP Tech Solutions


As a proud partner of SP Tech Solutions in media relations, our primary task is to build brand visibility in the Polish and European market as well as support the startup's expansion into the German market.

SP Tech Solutions is developing the RAILY ecosystem, which optimizes freight transport. At the beginning of 2024, the company secured nearly 3 million EUR in funding from the HiTech fund managed by Vinci S.A., enabling it to expand into the German market. In Poland, almost 30% of the market already uses their RAILY Taxi system, including companies such as Lotos Kolej, PKP Cargo, and Freightliner PL. The startup's revenues in 2023 exceeded 41 million PLN, and the dynamic growth we have the pleasure of supporting is ongoing.

SP Tech Solutions


We have focused on select economic, business, ESG, and railway market-related media. The content and style of our press releases are suited to the specific media. As a result of our strategy for building systematic visibility, articles about SP Tech Solutions are featured in sector-related media such as the Railway Gazette. The positive environmental impact of its solutions was described in ESG Trends.

The startup was also featured in publications such as Tech EU, EU Startups, The Recursive, AIN Capital, Mam Startup, Spider’s Web, and Founders Today. We also enhance the visibility of founders by arranging interviews with media outlets and providing expert commentary in various publications. The right strategy and selection of media allowed us to reach all our target audiences from the outset and achieve our goals.

Founders of SP Tech Solutions

👉 Joint goal planning

Based on our market and competition analysis, together with our client, we planned communication activities and set measurable KPIs.

👉 Building the image of the brand and founders

We successfully garnered the interest of international journalists in the technology developed by SP Tech Solutions. Interviews and publications about the company appear in AinCapital and Railway Gazette, among others.

👉 Broad media coverage and strategic positioning

We successfully organized and coordinated widespread media visibility for SP Tech Solutions. We reached out to journalists from various sectors, resulting in articles appearing in economic, startup, commercial, and railway media, both in Polish and international outlets.

Selected publications:

  1. My Company Polska SP Tech Solutions z dużą rundą finansową. Pieniądze zainwestował Vinci HiTech
  2. Puls Biznesu Fundusz BGK szczodrze dosypuje pieniędzy start-upom. Vinci włożył miliony w ekspansję zagraniczną SP Tech Solutions - Puls Biznesu 
  3. EU Startups Polish startup SP Tech Solutions raises €2.7 million to fuel further development of rail transport optimisation
  4. Tech.eu SP Tech Solutions Secures funding for rail transport optimisation
  5. Vestbee Polish SP Tech Solutions secures €2.7M to develop solutions for rail transportation firms | Vestbee   
  6. The Recursive Polish SP Tech Solutions Secured €3M to Accelerate Rail Revolution and Fuel Green Innovation - TheRecursive.com 
  7. Rynek Kolejowy SP Tech Solutions pozyskuje 12 mln zł od Vinci - Rynek Kolejowy 
  8. AIN Capital SP Tech Solutions raises nearly €3M to optimize rail transport - AIN
  9. Railway Gazette Railway supply industry news round-up | News | Railway Gazette International
  10. ESG Trends Zielony transport towarów: Innowacje na rynku kolejowym szansą na przyspieszenie transformacji - ESG Trends
  11. Founders Today Polish innovation leader in freight rail transport SP Tech Solutions expands its operations and enters the German market - FoundersToday

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